this is for you dude..i think

ermm....ok this post is dedicated to you/him.
he did ask for it....
the guys that i dedicated this post is miyul..yes you miyul...
i aint gonna delete this post..incase you asked me to delete this post.

15/02/2010 is GONG XI FA CAI so yeah all of us got a day off from school
FUCK YES! anyway on that day my friend, nia. i called her friend and she called
me friend in malay which is kawan literally...anyway at first its only us the girls
who hang out cause some of the guy who came the same time as us is apparently nia's ex
he didnt hang out with us i don't know why maybe it's awkward or something...i don't really
know what's the we went in a separate way...

so i hang out with nia, amal, qistina, nia's friend i think her name is munyati i think and the other
two girls and someone's let me tell you this they sure know how to have fun,
they got this crazy personality(in a good way) i dont talk much though 'cause theres nothing to talk about..
then we walked around the mall go up then down...long story short we met MIYUL infront of the arcade.
anyway after we met it is kinda awkward for me...


then we went to karoake box...
this is the part where for me is really REALLLLYYY AWKWARD....they sang this song "kenangan terindah" and dedicated it for
me n miyul..and they said this name of the song "my life would be suck without you" and this malay song...i dont really remember but
HELL yeah it's awkward...since we're you-know-what

then we went to the cinema to watch this percy jackson and the lightning thieve...which is really funny but i feel so uncomfortable
on that time 'cause i feel sick and my stomach is hurting plus i feel really sleepy..not a good combination =s
after the movie is finish,i'm off.well to be precise we're off


anyway miyul; if you read this thankkk youuuu and sorry that i make you very late for your next movie...
and again thank you for being there =) i really appreciate it